frequently asked questions
Question: How much is shipping?
Answer: $5.50 for the first two items and $1 for every additional two books.
Question: What is the best way to order and ship books overseas?
Answer: Email us the title(s) or item(s) you would like and how soon you want them delivered. Include your name, billing address and shipping address. We will then send you a PayPal Invoice.
Question: Processing credit card doesn't work and I get this message "invalid billing"
Answer: Make sure to include your CVV number on back of your credit card (on front for American Express). Also make sure to include your zip code or postal code number used for the card billing.
Question: USPS Delivery Confirmation for Media Mail. Delivery Confirmation number doesn't show on media mail shipping. Can I find out if it is lost?
Answer: Unfortunately delivery confirmation on media mail does not show until the package is dropped at the door. USPS states that it takes 7-14 days for delivery but they cannot trace lost mail until at least 30 days. If concerned about quicker delivery times, please choose Priority Mail.
Question: What happens when your store does not have my item? Can I choose an alternative?
Answer: If we do not have your item, you have the option of adding alternative choices for the book. In the comment field of your order, please list similarly priced books for your alternative choice.
Question: How can I gift a book to someone?
Answer: You can purchase it and put the shipping address for the recipient. Put in the comment field the message you would like on a slip of paper in the package and whether or not you want a receipt in the package. See our greeting card section if you want to purchase a greeting card. For incarcerated persons, we are only allowed direct shipping with not messages or receipts.
Question: I am an author, publisher or friend of an author and wish to promote my book at your store.
Answer: Please send us the title, synopsis and other relevant information. Because of the pandemic, most of our events have been online and social media trailers. Our staffing is limited, it is important for authors to assist with the publicity. Other questions: If your book is chosen, can you consign the book to us?
Question: I purchased an ebook but need to connect it with an e-Reader in order to read it. What should I do?
Answer: This applies to Epub or PDF versions. Download a free copy of Adobe Digital Editions. Open the "file" tab and go to "add file". Find the book you downloaded and open it into the Adobe Digital Editions application. Macintosh computers already have an e-Reader provided, however, the Adobe Digital Editions can also be used. More explanation can be found here:
Question: How do I use a coupon code?
Answer: After adding items to your cart, go to Checkout, then click "+ Add a coupon code" and enter your code.
Answer: $5.50 for the first two items and $1 for every additional two books.
Question: What is the best way to order and ship books overseas?
Answer: Email us the title(s) or item(s) you would like and how soon you want them delivered. Include your name, billing address and shipping address. We will then send you a PayPal Invoice.
Question: Processing credit card doesn't work and I get this message "invalid billing"
Answer: Make sure to include your CVV number on back of your credit card (on front for American Express). Also make sure to include your zip code or postal code number used for the card billing.
Question: USPS Delivery Confirmation for Media Mail. Delivery Confirmation number doesn't show on media mail shipping. Can I find out if it is lost?
Answer: Unfortunately delivery confirmation on media mail does not show until the package is dropped at the door. USPS states that it takes 7-14 days for delivery but they cannot trace lost mail until at least 30 days. If concerned about quicker delivery times, please choose Priority Mail.
Question: What happens when your store does not have my item? Can I choose an alternative?
Answer: If we do not have your item, you have the option of adding alternative choices for the book. In the comment field of your order, please list similarly priced books for your alternative choice.
Question: How can I gift a book to someone?
Answer: You can purchase it and put the shipping address for the recipient. Put in the comment field the message you would like on a slip of paper in the package and whether or not you want a receipt in the package. See our greeting card section if you want to purchase a greeting card. For incarcerated persons, we are only allowed direct shipping with not messages or receipts.
Question: I am an author, publisher or friend of an author and wish to promote my book at your store.
Answer: Please send us the title, synopsis and other relevant information. Because of the pandemic, most of our events have been online and social media trailers. Our staffing is limited, it is important for authors to assist with the publicity. Other questions: If your book is chosen, can you consign the book to us?
Question: I purchased an ebook but need to connect it with an e-Reader in order to read it. What should I do?
Answer: This applies to Epub or PDF versions. Download a free copy of Adobe Digital Editions. Open the "file" tab and go to "add file". Find the book you downloaded and open it into the Adobe Digital Editions application. Macintosh computers already have an e-Reader provided, however, the Adobe Digital Editions can also be used. More explanation can be found here:
Question: How do I use a coupon code?
Answer: After adding items to your cart, go to Checkout, then click "+ Add a coupon code" and enter your code.